“You simply will not be the same person two months from now after consciously giving thanks each day for the abundance that exists in your life. And you will have set in motion an ancient spiritual law: the more you have and are grateful for, the more will be given you.”
Sarah Ban Breathnach

Being thankful is not about expecting more, but about experiencing contentment with what you have already received. It’s about the recognition of the importance of that which you already have. It is about the placement of value against gifts bestowed on us.

Gratitude is Transformative!
Let’s face it, gratitude feels good. It is a rich, heartfelt, soul inspired feeling of trust and abundance. With practice, gratitude can transform you into living, thinking and acting your way into the reality of a rich and abundant life.

Be full of your own greatness & be grateful that you have it. Recognize and accept that you are great…at one thing or several things. New idea? Carry it like a shield. Allow your greatness and the act of being grateful protect you as you make changes in your life.

A little secret to get what you want…

Joe Vitale gives away a formula to achieve what you desire in “Life’s missing instruction manual”:

    1. Be grateful for what you already have.

    2. Declare what you would like to have with positive emotion.

    3. Act on the opportunities that appear in front of you.

Notice how Joe Vitale puts emphasis on being thankful for what you already have before asking for something else. In fact, being grateful is the only thing left to do when you keep an attitude of being open to receive.